Access to students and staff for mental health support

Health for Almaarefa University is essential for its students. In this sense, the university offers its students physical and mental health services within its facilities to students who require it, this with the purpose of keeping its academic community in good physical condition. and mind. UM is prepared for any health emergency that may arise during academic hours.

Student Health Clinic is Responsible for all health-related matters concern university community.  Here you can find a range of information and resources to help you keep yourself healthy while at university. From common mental health issues and support contacts, to mindfulness and general health tips. These pages are designed to help you support yourself and others. 

 Services such as   Counseling & Psychological Services are offered free of charge. Workshops for Students and faculty are conducted on regular basis to educate them about health care serves available at the UM. 

  Here you can find a range of information and resources to help you keep yourself healthy while at university. From common mental health issues and support contacts, to mindfulness and general health tips, there is a clinic which offers Psychological counseling to students and faculty for fee – for – free services.  

UM’s Psychiatrist and Psychologist are available to help students and faculty at any given time.  

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