Al Maarefa University’s Initiatives Advancing SDG 3: Promoting Good Health and Well-Being in Saudi Arabia.
Sustainable Development Goal 3 (SDG 3) aims to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages. This goal encompasses a wide range of issues, including reducing mortality, addressing communicable and non-communicable diseases, and ensuring universal access to healthcare services. In Saudi Arabia, Al Maarefa University has taken significant strides to contribute to the realization of SDG 3 through its innovative initiatives and commitment to enhancing health and well-being within the community.
Enhancing Healthcare Education:
Al Maarefa University recognizes the pivotal role of healthcare professionals in achieving SDG 3. To this end, the university offers comprehensive healthcare education programs that train a diverse range of medical professionals, including doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and allied health practitioners. By providing high-quality education, the university contributes to building a skilled healthcare workforce capable of addressing the country’s healthcare challenges effectively.
Research and Innovation:
Research is a cornerstone of progress in healthcare. Al Maarefa University is dedicated to advancing medical research, focusing on areas that have a direct impact on health and well-being. By conducting research into diseases prevalent in the region, innovative treatment methods, and public health strategies, the university contributes valuable insights to improve healthcare outcomes and enhance overall well-being.
Community Health Initiatives:
Al Maarefa University actively engages with the community through health outreach programs and awareness campaigns. These initiatives promote health education, disease prevention, and healthy lifestyle choices. By collaborating with local organizations and healthcare providers, the university extends its reach beyond the campus and directly impacts the health and well-being of the broader population.
Healthcare Infrastructure Development:
A critical aspect of achieving SDG 3 is ensuring that quality healthcare services are accessible to all. Al Maarefa University contributes to this by producing healthcare professionals who are equipped to serve in various settings, including urban centers and underserved rural areas. This helps bridge the healthcare gap and improves the overall health and well-being of diverse communities.
Telemedicine and Technology:
Al Maarefa University leverages technology to enhance healthcare delivery and access. Through telemedicine initiatives, the university connects patients in remote areas with medical professionals, ensuring that expert healthcare advice and services are accessible irrespective of geographical barriers. This approach greatly improves health outcomes and contributes to the well-being of individuals who would otherwise have limited access to medical care.
Promoting Mental Health Awareness:
In line with the holistic approach of SDG 3, Al Maarefa University recognizes the significance of mental health. The university conducts awareness campaigns and educational programs to reduce stigma surrounding mental health issues and promote well-being. By fostering a supportive environment, the university contributes to improving mental health outcomes among students and the wider community.
Al Maarefa University’s dedication to advancing SDG 3 is evident through its multifaceted initiatives focused on healthcare education, research, community engagement, technology integration, and mental health promotion. By nurturing a skilled healthcare workforce, fostering innovation, and extending healthcare access, the university plays a vital role in promoting good health and well-being in Saudi Arabia. Through its comprehensive approach, Al Maarefa University contributes significantly to creating a healthier, more resilient society, aligned with the global aspirations of Sustainable Development Goal 3.
A university – any university – has three functions: teaching, research, and community service. At Al-Maarefa University, these three functions were blended, and resulted in a community service center that aims to invest knowledge and scientific research to create products that are presented to the community in which it operates as part of its societal duty. For this purpose, health, cultural and community events are scheduled every year, and appropriate plans are prepared for community participation in these events in order to raise awareness, educate, train and research. These posts are distinguished by the fact that they come where the community is, and do not wait for the community to come to them, and this is the philosophy of community service that we adopt. Since our outlook is global, the university adopts every year some of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and plans appropriate programs aimed at well-being and sustainable charity for our community; our service does not end at the end of the event, but rather it is sustainability that reflects positive behavior that we observe in societal change.

Positioning social responsibility in the conscience of university employees as a culture of practice through continuous programs aimed at nurturing awareness of its importance, education and training on its applications, sponsoring initiatives, and fruitful community partnerships between the university community and the external community.
Initiative in the field of social service in accordance with human values.
Strategic Objectives:
- Employing the knowledge gained for the common good.
- Contribute to achieving the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 in the field of voluntary community service.
- Increasing awareness of social responsibility and its programs among university employees.
- Promote effective community participation to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
- Enabling and supporting university employees to exercise social responsibility.

Al-Maarefa University launches the Saudi Arabian Wellness Association (SAWA)
Al-Maarefa University announced the launch of the Saudi Arabian Wellness Association (SAWA), and the launch of its visual identity in an official ceremony, under the patronage of His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Walid bin Hussein Abu Al-Faraj, and the presence of a group of specialists and those interested in scientific, research and societal practices related to the wellness industry.
The (Sawa) Association was established on 23 Rajab 1443 corresponding to February 24, 2022 by a decision of the Council of Al-Maarefa University, and was included among the scientific societies under the supervision of the General Secretariat of the Council of Universities Affairs at the Ministry of Education. Its objectives are to develop and promote the wellness industry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia based on advanced applied theoretical knowledge, employing modern trends, techniques and evidence-based research.
Through methodology and solid scientific practices, Sawa will work in cooperation with the public and private sectors to activate the enablers of the wellness industry to contribute to achieving the wellbeing goals emanating from the vision of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030, stimulating creativity and innovation to spread cognitive, directional and behavioral awareness of the importance of wellness in the comprehensive wellbeing matrix, and strengthening fruitful relations with government institutions, including vision realization offices in the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Health, The Ministry of Tourism, the Ministry of Sports, and other relevant ministries and bodies to shape policies and maximize wellness values and practices in the life of the individual and society.
It is worth mentioning that Sawa Association was established at the initiative of a team that includes a group of local and international specialized experts in the field of health and medical education, businessmen who believe in their social responsibility towards their society, and senior executives, to build a national entity that extends with local and international strategic relations, with an ambitious pioneering vision in Region, in a professional setting in line with the vision of the Global Wellness Institute: “Wellness is the constant pursuit of activities and lifestyle choices that lead to a state of holistic health.”
It is noteworthy that the nucleus of the establishment of the association was formed by the proposal of Prof. Dr. Ibtisam bint Muhammad Al-Madi, Advisor to His Excellency the President of AlMaarefa University for Scientific Research and Development, who combines in her wealth a rich cumulative experience in the duality of education and health, as she assumed several leadership positions, including: Vice President of Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University (the largest women’s university in the world), and the establishment and deanship of the College of Dentistry at the same university, in addition to her tireless activity in promoting the concept and practices of the wellness industry throughout her scientific, research, and professional career. Healthy.
On the occasion of the inauguration of the association, Prof. Dr. Al-Madi, Chairman of the Founding Committee, said: “Those who follow the current health and societal situation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia notice that spreading and empowering the community health knowledge culture and practices is the common denominator for all initiatives of the Saudi Vision 2030, which seeks to achieve the quality of life for every human being. Among these visions, came the establishment of the Sawa Association to contribute to the formation of a vibrant society.enjoys a decent living and good health. Therefore, we will seek to attract specialists and those interested in scientific and behavioral practices related to the wellness industry, to become a house of expertise for exchanging and developing ideas, and to make wellness a behavioral practice in our communities. Hence, the name of the association (SAWA) came to indicate its participatory relationship with its partners on the one hand, and its liassociative relationship with its community on the other hand.
Those wishing to know more information about the association, including membership, can visit the association’s website, or write to the association directly [email protected]
A walking step … A wellness step”
Community responsibility as an exclusive sponsor of the event: “A walking step … A wellness step” in cooperation with the Family Affairs Committee in Diriyah governorate, to motivate the local population to practice walking as a way of life; the volunteer team at the Faculty of Medicine educates the community about the correlation between sport and health.

First Aid Initiative for School students: Training the target groups on the principles and skills of First Aid
What Do You Know About Life Initiative?
AlMaarefa University (UM) has made advanced progress in reducing health disparities and literate against health, illness and preventable diseases. UM believes that healthy lives and promotion of well-being should be for all at all ages. Health impact Since its inception, UM has made an impressive advancement on many health fronts to meet the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 3) and to meet the health targets as per Saudi Vision 2030. UM believes that progress must be accelerated, in particular in local, national and international levels to reduce the highest burden of diseases of the disadvantaged and vulnerable population across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).
The initiative is currently being implemented. AlMaarefa University (UM), through the Social Responsibility Unit, has made advanced progress in reducing health disparities and literate against health, illness and preventable diseases. U M believes that healthy lives and promotion of well-being should be for all at all ages. · UM organizes awareness lectures and trainings that are related to Good Health & First Aid to expand the horizon of serving students and beneficiaries to provide them with distinguished services.

Sexual and Reproductive Health Care Services
The sexual health of the students for the University of Almaarefa is fundamental for the well-being of the human being. In this sense, the university offers its Sexual and Reproductive Health Care Service that is taught in all the health sciences faculties of the UM, where the objective of these courses is to raise awareness about sexual and reproductive health care to educate mothers about their reproductive system. The service is located at the Health Unit Care Services.
Almaarefa University Student Counselling
This unit has professionals in the field of sexual orientation who are available on weekdays during normal hours to serve students who feel the need to receive sexual orientation, this unit assures students of the confidentiality of the cases reported and is committed to to help solve the doubts of the students about this topic.
UM Access to contraceptives and family planning
Almaarefa University, with the purpose of caring for the sexual health of students and the local community, developed a strategy for access to free contraceptives and family planning in which couples are guided on their sexual health.
Almaarefa University Maternal Health Care
The university offers a health service for student mothers of the university in which periodic reviews of the pregnancy process, general health and possible complications are carried out in a certain case, this service for student mothers who are part of the university is free of charged.
Campaign on Gynecological Cancer
With the purpose of caring for women’s sexual health, Almaarefa Medical University students participated in organizing an awareness campaign on gynecological cancer in collaboration with the Saudi Arabian standing committee on reproductive health, including HIV /AIDS (SCORA) and the Standing Committee on Public Health (SCOPH) in association with Globe-athon.
Breast Cancer Awareness event
Because your health is our priority
We are pleased to invite you to attend our Breast Cancer Awareness event
Today at Hayat Mall Gate 1.

The Role of Safety Youth in Implementing Preventive Programs
For the second day, #برنامج_الأمان_الأسري_الوطني , in cooperation with AlMaarefa University, #ورشة_عمل presents “The Role of Safety Youth in Implementing Preventive Programs” for university students, which are implemented by Prof. Noura Al-Ahmari and A. Arwa Al Harthy.

Awareness session on Pre-marriage Examination
Awareness session on pre-marriage examination
Presented by Dr. Iyad El Domyati from #مدينة_الملك_فهد_الطبية
for employees of AlMaarefa Univeristy in terms of social responsibility.

Access to students and staff for mental health support
Health for Almaarefa University is essential for its students. In this sense, the university offers its students physical and mental health services within its facilities to students who require it, this with the purpose of keeping its academic community in good physical condition. and mind. UM is prepared for any health emergency that may arise during academic hours.
Student Health Clinic is Responsible for all health-related matters concern university community. Here you can find a range of information and resources to help you keep yourself healthy while at university. From common mental health issues and support contacts, to mindfulness and general health tips. These pages are designed to help you support yourself and others.
Services such as Counseling & Psychological Services are offered free of charge. Workshops for Students and faculty are conducted on regular basis to educate them about health care serves available at the UM.
Here you can find a range of information and resources to help you keep yourself healthy while at university. From common mental health issues and support contacts, to mindfulness and general health tips, there is a clinic which offers Psychological counseling to students and faculty for fee – for – free services.
UM’s Psychiatrist and Psychologist are available to help students and faculty at any given time.
Mental Health Services
Almaarefa University – Psychology Unit
This unit emphasizes dealing with problems regarding psychology that affect the personal integrity of university students and staff. This unit has experts in psychology who provide solutions to educational, social and psychological problems that are in the student’s and staff environment, the function of the unit is to guarantee mental health and well-being so that students and staff have an optimal academic experience.
UM Mental Group Care
The university offers a service of psychotherapy by psychology for patients with depression, group care for university students, group therapy for psychiatric patients through art. Group attention for fathers and mothers belonging to the children’s university. Follow-up of patients with suicide attempt.
The Continuing Professional and Personal Development Unit
With the purpose of providing the students and staff of the university with academic and social services, UM created The Continuing Professional and Personal Development Unit, which has the function of providing all the necessary support to the staff of the university, both students and staff, to have professional development, optimal academic in the daily educational sessions.
Psychological and social counseling
- Providing individual counseling for students by following up on cases that need support whether social or psychological and by organizing individual counseling sessions that the student counselor conducts in complete confidentiality, and preparing a treatment plan to solve the problem.
- Conducting counseling sessions on appropriate CBT for each case.
- Holding family counseling sessions as required in some cases.
- Follow-up students academically by holding counseling sessions to uncover the causes of academic struggles and/or recurring absences, whether social or psychological, and preparing a treatment plan for each case separately.
- Raising awareness among students by producing preventive awareness brochures, stimulating media channels, and establishing and organizing enlightenment programs.
- Providing individual counseling for students: by following up on cases that need support, whether social or psychological, by organizing individual counseling sessions that the student counselor conducts in complete confidentiality, and preparing a treatment plan to solve the problem.
- Respond to students’ consultations and concerns with complete confidentiality via email.
Happiness International Day
On the occasion of #اليوم_السعودي_للمسؤولية_الاجتماعية and #اليوم_الدولي_للسعادة , the College of Medicine in #جامعة_المعرفة in partnership with the College of Pharmacy and the College of Applied Sciences, invites you to participate in the celebration activities of #اليوم_العالمي_لمتلازمة_داون