We are proud of their knowledge of their excellence in the National Clinical Skills Competition for Students of Pharmacy Colleges #SIPHA2020 and are ranked fourth out of 22 universities in the Kingdom.
We are proud of their knowledge of their excellence in the National Clinical Skills Competition for Students of Pharmacy Colleges #SIPHA2020 and are ranked fourth out of 22 universities in the Kingdom.
نفخر بسفيرات المعرفة بتميزهن في "المسابقة الوطنية للمهارات الإكلينيكية لطلبة كليات الصيدلة" #SIPHA2020
— جامعة المعرفة (@AlMaarefa) January 24, 2020
وحصولهن على المركز الرابع من بين ٢٢ جامعة على مستوى المملكة.#جامعة_المعرفة https://t.co/o6UHZQZpSc pic.twitter.com/4LZKM308zR
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