First Goal: Eradicate Poverty
The eradication of poverty in all its forms remains one of the greatest challenges facing humanity. Although the number of people living in extreme poverty more than halved between 1990 and 2015, from 1.9 billion to 836 million, many are still struggling to meet basic human needs. Globally, more than 800 million people still live on less than $1.25 a day, many of whom lack adequate food, clean drinking water and sanitation.
Al-Maarefa University has worked to provide scholarships for students who cannot complete their university studies within the controls and instructions published on the university’s website, as well as the university has signed many agreements with charitable organizations for this purpose and to help needy students.

Agreement of the Charitable Society for Orphans Care (Ensan) and Al-Maarefa University
Al-Maarefa University signed a memorandum of understanding for joint cooperation with the Charitable Society for Orphans Care “Ensan” on Tuesday, 23/04/2019 at the university’s headquarters in the southern hall of Sudair, where this agreement comes as an embodiment of the comprehensive renaissance experienced by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at all levels, especially the health and education sectors, and to complete the message carried by the two parties, and as a contribution to building a knowledge and scientific society, and enhancing integration and participation between them in the frameworks of knowledge exchange And practical application, and since the reality of providing health services and building a knowledge society requires concerted and integrated efforts in everything that would advance these aspects, which enhances the importance of this agreement, and the importance of concerted efforts to achieve the goal of the agreement, and since the University of Knowledge is an academic scientific training institution under the supervision of the Ministry of Education, and it educates, trains and qualifies high school graduates to obtain a bachelor’s degree in medicine, surgery, pharmacy and the various health and technical specialties that you need All government and private sectors and the equivalent programs and training courses.
AlMaarefa University’s (UM) Commitment to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030
Al Maarefa University (UM) is a private establishment of higher education, designed to fulfill a recognized public function, by meeting clearly identified needs in important domains for national development. Besides that, UM adopts an innovative approach to teaching and learning, by making intensive use of cutting-edge educational technologies. It attracts students from a broadly targeted clientele, namely high school graduates (both male and female) from the Riyadh region, from other regions of Saudi Arabia and from the GCC states. It is also envisioned to attract expatriates’ sons and daughters who wish to pursue college studies. Also, UM attracts Diploma graduates from various health specialties through a bridging program.
Since its establishment (1999), UM has admitted 8500 students and graduated 2400students as of 2021/2022 academic year. UM is devoted to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through restructuring the institution, effectively manage, and mobilize institutional resources to foster the spirit of innovative teaching and learning, research initiatives, national and international partnership. UM shall strength internal and external sources of resource mobilization through private, national, international agencies and explore any other means of financial support to finance academic and research activities at the national and international levels. UM comprises of three colleges (College of Applied Sciences, College of Medicine and College of Pharmacy). UM shall encourage teamwork approach to obtain credible information from the colleges’ councils and departmental committees, and setup a clearly defined channel of communication between the male and female sections. It launches community outreach campaigns to reach all the stakeholders served by the UM. There shall be a sustainability department reasonable for identifying the SDGs assigned to each college, program, course, and other sectors related to the UM. The aim is to enhance national and international partnership for sustainable development, complemented by multi-stakeholder partnership that encourage and share knowledge and experiences, expertise, technology and financial resources, eventually implement the SDGs based on innovation capacity-building strategy

Humanitarian Action and SDG Hackathon
It is a competition in which social specialists, programmers, engineers and interested young people in different disciplines meet for the purpose of carrying out pioneering innovative work in the sectors of humanitarian work, namely: food security and nutrition, health, shelter and non-food items, education, water and environmental sanitation, early recovery, protection, camp management and coordination, emergency communications, logistics. This is to develop sustainable solutions to reduce the challenges facing donors, United Nations organizations and civil society organizations in implementing relief and humanitarian projects in advanced and innovative ways to provide services to beneficiaries in disaster and crisis areas.
Objectives of the Hackathon
- Introducing the goals and sectors of humanitarian work and the seventeen sustainable development goals
- Promoting a culture of social innovation and spreading awareness of humanitarian work and sustainable development goals
- Embracing creative ideas for humanitarian work to develop and turn into social entrepreneurship with social impact and successful economic feasibility in this field
- Training on creative work in finding innovative solutions and creating new ideas to meet the challenges of humanitarian work and achieve its goals and sustainable development goals
- Building the capacity of young participants in cooperative work, sharing skills among them, and developing their talents in creativity and innovation in order to achieve the goals of humanitarian work
- Knowledge management among young people to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in humanitarian action
- Motivating and developing the capabilities and talents of young people in systematic humanitarian volunteer work professionally according to the best international practices
Humanitarian Relief Sectors:
- Food Security
- Nutrition
- Health
- Shelter and non-food items
- education
- Water and Environmental Sanitation
- Early recovery
- Protection
- Camp Management and Coordination
- Emergency Telecommunications
- Logistics
Digitalisation to achieve SDGs
Presentation of the event
Digitalisation has become inevitable for the successful achievement of Sustainable Development Goals. The advancement of information and communication technologies, the improvement of medical technology, new approaches to streamline the educational system, and provision of equitable access to services and increased efficiency and well-being of the population served, have all made digital transformation an alternative and strategic way to achieve SDGs.
Delivery of high-quality goods and services in healthcare, education, finance, commerce, governance, agriculture and other vital areas has been made possible through the introduction and development of smart systems. These systems can help to reduce poverty and hunger, boost health, create new jobs, help mitigate climate change, improve energy efficiency, and make cities and communities more sustainable. In this regard, the interplay between digitalisation and sustainability creates bright opportunities for shaping a better economy and society, providing the way towards the SDGs.
This workshop will:
Examine the use of digitalisation in achieving SDGs; it will also conceptualise and contextualise the national and regional approaches
Discuss scholarly opinions and scientific studies to substantiate the role of digitalisation in achieving SDGs 3, 4 and 5
Explore resolutions to the issues of access to healthcare and services and inequitable education, with a special emphasis on women and under-served populations
Deep dive into specific issues:
How can we develop digital means to provide resolutions to SDG issues?
How can we capitalise on Saudi Arabia’s digital advancement to assist in transforming the nation’s healthcare system?
Can we suggest means and ways to provide under-served populations with equal opportunities for healthcare and education?
Building 20, Room 2011
- 10:00–10:10 | Welcome remarks
- 10:10–11:10 | How can we capitalise on Saudi Arabia’s digital advancement to assist in transforming the nation’s healthcare system?
- 11:10–11:30 | Networking refreshments
- 11:30–12:00 | How can we suggest means and ways to provide underserved populations equal opportunities for healthcare and education?
- 12:00–13:00 | Higher education leaders panel: What is being done and what more can be done to drive real change?

National Strategy for the Sustainability of the Red Sea
His Excellency the President of #جامعة_المعرفة : The approval of the honorable Council of Ministers on the national strategy for the sustainability of the Red Sea, and the establishment of a program (generosity) to support society through the adoption of sustainable development projects, are among the fruits of #رؤية_السعودية_2030 that seeks to build a sustainable future, and a decent and stable life for the Saudi citizen.
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