Comprehensive Guide Policies of Human Resources Management

Fourth: Monthly wage and allowances for administrators:

The monthly wage and allowances for administrators consist of the following parts and according to the controls of each of them:

1. Basic wage:

  • It is determined according to the wage scale approved for the university and paid monthly at the end of each Gregorian month.
  • Equal salaries between males and females. The university adopts a unified standard for granting wages or financial allocations
  • The candidate for the post is given additional grades (bonuses) according to the approved pay scale for his experience in the field of the contracted job and is calculated to five years of experience.
  • The person with the authority may make an exception from the above paragraphs as required by the interest of the university.

2. Transportation allowance:

It is determined according to the wage scale approved for the university and paid monthly.

3. Housing allowance:

  • It is determined according to the wage scale approved for the university.
  • Housing allowance is paid monthly with the employee’s wage.
  • The university may provide suitable housing for the employee if he agrees to do so, and in this case he is not entitled to a housing allowance, and he bears bills such as electricity, telephone, internet, water, and the like.
  • The housing allowance may be paid for six months in advance when the employee starts working from outside the Kingdom and on a university visa for one time only, and then paid monthly, according to the following:
    1. Apply for housing allowance in advance. 
    2. Obtaining the approval of the competent authorities to issue residence and prove that there are no obstacles. 
    3. The housing allowance provided shall be paid according to the date of the employee’s appointment/commencement, i.e. for the first six months of commencement of work, regardless of the date of the application, unless it is paid monthly earlier, to be paid for the remaining period thereafter.

Third: Monthly wage and allowances for faculty members and the like:

The monthly wage and allowances for the faculty member and the like consist of the following parts and according to the controls of each of them:

Basic wage:

  • It is determined according to the wage scale approved for the university and paid monthly at the end of each Gregorian month.
  • Equal salaries between males and females. The university adopts a unified standard for granting wages or financial allocations.

Transportation allowance:

It is determined according to the wage scale approved for the university and paid monthly.

Housing allowance:

  • It is determined according to the wage scale adopted for the university.
  • Housing allowance is paid monthly with the employee’s wage.
  • The university may provide housing for the employee if he agrees to do so and provides adequate housing, and in this case he is not entitled to housing allowance, and the employee bears bills such as electricity, telephone, internet, water, and the like.
  • The housing allowance may be paid for six months in advance when the employee starts working from outside the Kingdom and on a university visa for one time only, and then paid monthly, according to the following :
    1. Apply for housing allowance in advance.
    2. Obtaining the approval of the competent authorities to issue residence and prove that there are no obstacles.
    3. The housing allowance provided shall be paid according to the date of appointment/commencement of the employee, i.e. for the first six months of commencement of work, regardless of the date of the application, unless it is paid monthly before that, it shall be paid for the remaining period thereafter.

Fourth: Advantages and Benefits: 

Medical Insurance:

  • The university provides appropriate medical insurance for all faculty members, their equivalents and their families according to the type of contract and job grade in accordance with the Saudi Labor Law in Article 144 and the executive regulations of the Cooperative Health Insurance Law – in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – Article II “The number of family members tattooed and soft according to the contract and according to Table No. (1)• Those who are supported by the Saudi employee or sponsored by him for non-Saudis, provided that they reside permanently and regularly within the Kingdom, and according to the categories stipulated and in accordance with the regulations of the Council of Health Insurance in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • The employee is entitled to the insurance category specified for him and his covered family members, and the insurance category for the employee, his wife and the covered children may be upgraded to the category that follows the category due.

Temporary housing:

  • The university provides faculty members and the like coming from outside the Kingdom and the city of Riyadh temporary housing (family or single according to the contract) and transportation to and from the university for a maximum period of 10 days from the date of arrival.

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