5.6.8 Does your university as a body have a policy that protects those reporting discrimination from educational or employment disadvantage?
Al Maarefa University has a strict policy in place to protect individuals who report discrimination, ensuring that those who come forward do not face educational or employment disadvantages. This policy is designed to create a safe and supportive environment where all students and staff are encouraged to raise concerns without fear of retaliation. The university takes allegations of discrimination seriously and investigates them thoroughly while safeguarding the rights of the individuals involved. This approach promotes fairness, transparency, and equality within the academic and professional settings at the university.
Refer to “Article 29” in “Grievance and Conduct” in particular which protects those reporting discrimination from educational or employment disadvantage by keeping their identity anonymous.
Grievance and Conduct
Article Nine
Any violation against the rules and regulations as well public morals and legitimacy rules, either inside the colleges’ premises or outside, or during the activities and outdoors occasions which may likely cause physical harms to others, or damage the properties of the colleges, are strictly prohibited and is considered offences which shall be penalized.
Such as:
1. Any action against the colleges’ by-laws.
2. Failure to attend classes whether theoretical or practical, and carrying out academic tasks and programs, or encourage others not to attend.
3. Any action or verbal action that insults religion, or dishonoured dignity or behaviour, or any violation that deformed the colleges’ reputation.
4. Any act of discrimination based on age, gender, religion, ethnicity and any type and kind of discriminative act and verbal acts.
5. Creating chaos in the campus, or in the colleges’ premises.
6. Use of or attempt to use fraud, cheating, deception or dishonesty in the exams, or obtaining illegally a copy of the exam questions, or fabricating reports , researches and thesis.
7. Falsification of identification in the exam hall, whether the exam is held in the premises or outside.
8. Any violation of the exams rules such as disruption or interference, or intentionally creating chaos.
9. Forming unions and organizations, or creating activities or issuing leaflets, or pamphlets, or collecting sum of money or signatures without the prior permission.
10. Any activity that causes substantial destruction of property belonging to the colleges. Or engaging in activities that de-clean the premises.
11. Intentional or un intentional damage or destruction of the property, such as mobilizing the property without permission.
12. Misuse of modern technology in a way that causes harm to the colleges, or deform the reputation.
13. Unlawful possession of devices, photos, films, newspapers or magazines whose contents are anti-ethical, and Islamic principles, contents which are not comply with the Islamic standard of life.
14. Falsification, fabrication or deformation of the colleges’ related documents by action such as forgery, irrespective of the documents were issued from the colleges or outside, since these documents are related to the colleges’ student, or related to the study procedures.
15. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the colleges’ premises.
16. Dealing vulgarly with the colleges’ employees that may include students, administrators,
1. faculty staff, workers, or visitors. Vulgarity may be expressed verbally or physically.
17. Possession of dangerous weapons which can be used in a manner that causes harm or threatens to others in the premises, even though they are licensed or authorized.
18. Inconformity of the colleges’ uniforms is strictly prohibited.
19. Failure to comply in terms of uniforms, or Islamic dress for females. Violation of the code of standard and social standard guideline, and the highest standard of faithfulness, and good conduct.
20. Identity theft is a violation, when student attends an exam on behalf of another, or an un authorized person represents the colleges.
21. Viewing secured documentation of the colleges, publishing or directing others to illegally obtaining them.
22. For female students quitting the colleges or premises without prior permission, is prohibited. Leaving the colleges shall be in accordance to the colleges’ rules.
23. Refrain from submitting identifiable certificates when demanded by the colleges.
24. Behaving vulgarly during the investigation procedures, and speaking with disrespect to the main committee’s members.
25. Any violation that the colleges may view it as against by-laws which has not been specifically mentioned in the by-laws.

Article Twenty-Nine
A unit for students and staff rights would be established for the protection and safeguard of their rights as per the bylaw. The grievance applications are also received and followed up. Whoever is reporting discrimination, their identity shall stay anonymous to protect them from educational or employment disadvantage.
Article Thirty
It is permissible to have an appeal of grievance submitted if they feels a moral or physical harm has been inflicted on him by the administrators, or faculty members or any of the workers in the colleges, in a period of duration that should not exceed 15 days since the incident had taken place, as per the following:
1. A grievance form should be filled out, and attached any documents which support the case and be submitted, then the grievance form is refereed to the dean of the college to which a student belongs.
2. The dean of the specific college referred the grievance form to the sub-committee of that college for investigation, after the sub-committee’s decision is being approved; the unit for students’ rights shall be informed.
3. The decision taken by the sub-committee is then acquainted after being approved by the dean of the college, then the reporter after being acquainted has to sign on the grievance form. In case the grievance is accepted, a decision is immediately announced by a letter from the dean of the college with its sub-committee, the announced decision is circulated to all the related administrations to implement it.
Article Thirty-One
It is lawfully, permissible to the students, to have a grievance regarding any assessment, in any, exam; the time allowed is 15 days from the date of announcing the results. The following procedures should be followed:
1. A grievance fees should be paid for each course.
2. Filling out an objection form supported by the required documents, submitted to the students’ rights unit affiliated to the students’ affair administration, then it is referred to the head of the department to which student belongs.
3. The head of the department forms a committee for objections for his department; the newly formed committee consisted of at least not less than two members of the faculty staff for verification, the instructor of course is excluded from the committee. The committee verifies the answers.
4. The objections committee referred the objection form to the sub-committee in the college to investigate the grievance and the recommendations, then the final decision is taken and is forwarded to the dean of the college for the approval, then the students’ unit is informed of the decision.
5. The student is informed of the decision by the unit of the students’ rights; the student can be acquainted in a written letter, or by his electronic e-mail or by a text message.
6. The fee is refundable in case the objection is accepted.
Article Thirty-Two
A student may reject the sub-committee’s decision, and submit another grievance to the main committee; the main committee may inform the student of its decision either in a written letter, postal services, electronic e-mail or a text message.
Article Thirty-Three
A student may also reject the main committee’s decision, in this case a grievance is addressed to the general supervisor of the colleges in a period of 15 days from the date he was acquainted by the main committee’s decision, and that for the purpose of discussing the debated issue in the council of the colleges. The decision issued by the council is conveyed to the student by one of the following means of communications: written letter, postal services, electronic e-mail, or a text massage.
Article Thirty-Four
This by-law is implemented from the date it is approved by the board of trustees, and whatever previously issued which may contradict it is considered invalid.
Article Thirty-Five
the council of colleges is lawfully empowered to interpret the articles of the by-law, and it is also has the right to suggest addition, amendment, or abolishment of the articles in the by-law and send that to the board of trustees.
Grievance and Conduct Regulations