4.3.5 Does your university as a body have a policy that ensures that access to these activities is accessible to all, regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability or gender?
AlMaarefa University Equality and Diversity Policy
AlMaarefa University is committed to promoting equality and providing an environment where all members of its community are treated with respect and dignity. We are committed to seeking to employ a workforce and educate a student body that reflects the diverse community we serve. The Equality Act helps by providing a legal framework to protect people from discrimination, harassment, and victimization in the workplace and wider society.
As a Higher Education Institution, we have specific equality duties that also require us to eliminate unlawful discrimination, advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations. It is also our responsibility to publish equality information (data) on an annual basis and review and publish specific and measurable equality objectives every four years.
UM are committed to providing equality of opportunity and access to all activities and will work to ensure that all of our staff, students, and visitors, as well as those that seek to apply to work or study with us are treated fairly and are not subjected to unlawful discrimination by the University on the basis of (their protected characteristic):
· Age
· Disability
· Gender Identity (a personal sense of one’s own gender. This can correspond to or differ from the sex we are assigned at birth)
· Marriage or civil partnership
· Pregnancy and maternity
· Race (includes: race, color, nationality (including citizenship), ethnic or national origins)
· Religion or belief including philosophical belief and a lack of belief.
· Sex
· Sexual orientation
The policy is applicable to all staff (which includes for the purposes of this policy and for ease of reference, consultants, contractors, volunteers, casual workers, and agency workers), students, and applicants to work or study at the University. The principles of non-discrimination and equality of opportunity also apply to the way in which staff and students should treat each other, visitors, contractors, service providers, suppliers, and any other persons associated with the functions of the University.
Aims of the Policy
The University’s aim is to promote equality of opportunity for all, through the following objectives:
· Assessing the impact on equality in our policies, procedures, and practices.
· Having an effective data monitoring and analysis process.
· Involving staff, students, and other stakeholders in the development and delivery of our equality objectives.
· Promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion through internal and external communications.
· Ensuring that managers and staff take part in equality training and those who have responsibility for recruitment and selection.
· Ensuring staff and university student support services are, as far as reasonably possible, accessible to all.
· Ensuring that both existing staff and students, as well as those who seek to apply to work and study with us, are treated fairly and are judged solely on merit and by reference to their skills and abilities.
· Ensuring that staff, students, and their representatives are provided with appropriate forums to discuss equality, diversity, and inclusion issues and raise any concerns.
· Ensuring that all contractors and service providers operating on behalf of the University are aware of this policy and are expected to adhere to it.
· Complying with its legal obligations.
· Ensuring accessibility to all activities to all regardless of ethnicity, religion, disability or gender
A failure to comply with the principles set out in this policy may be considered to be a disciplinary offense and will be addressed through the relevant procedures.
Any cases of discrimination, harassment, bullying, or victimization will be taken very seriously by the University. Any member of staff or student found guilty of unlawful discrimination or harassment will be subject to disciplinary action. Appropriate action will be taken where possible if any member of the public, visitor, or service provider is involved in discrimination or harassment. Staff, students, or other parties who make a complaint of discrimination have the right to do so without fear of victimization, and the University will make every effort to ensure that any complaints are dealt with promptly and fairly.
Social Responsibility Center
A university – any university – has three functions: teaching, research, and community service. At Al-Maarefa University, these three functions were blended, and resulted in a community service center that aims to invest knowledge and scientific research to create products that are presented to the community in which it operates as part of its societal duty. For this purpose, health, cultural and community events are scheduled every year, and appropriate plans are prepared for community participation in these events in order to raise awareness, educate, train and research. These posts are distinguished by the fact that they come where the community is, and do not wait for the community to come to them, and this is the philosophy of community service that we adopt. Since our outlook is global, the university adopts every year some of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and plans appropriate programs aimed at well-being and sustainable charity for our community; our service does not end at the end of the event, but rather it is sustainability that reflects positive behavior that we observe in societal change.

Positioning social responsibility in the conscience of university employees as a culture of practice through continuous programs aimed at nurturing awareness of its importance, education and training on its applications, sponsoring initiatives, and fruitful community partnerships between the university community and the external community.
Initiative in the field of social service in accordance with human values.
Strategic Objectives:
• Employing the knowledge gained for the common good.
• Contribute to achieving the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 in the field of voluntary community service.
• Increasing awareness of social responsibility and its programs among university employees.
• Promote effective community participation to achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
• Enabling and supporting university employees to exercise social responsibility.

Acceptance for Women Access:
Woman International Day
Al Maarefa university motivates and supports Saudi women to pursue excellence.

Honoring the Students in the College of Medicine
His Excellency the President #جامعة_المعرفة Prof. Dr. Walid bin Hussein Abu Al-Faraj – in the presence of His Excellency the Dean of the College of Medicine – honors the two students in the College of Medicine: Joud Asfari and Kholoud Al-Sayegh, in recognition of their distinguished efforts in preparing and organizing the art exhibition accompanying the graduation ceremony of the tenth batch of university students.

Twelfth International Congress of Otolaryngology
The Dean of the College of Medicine, Advisor to His Excellency the President of the University in #جامعة_المعرفة honors medical student Hosna Mirza for her research excellence at the Twelfth International Congress of Otolaryngology.

International Day of Girls and Women in Science
It’s the International Day of Girls and Women in Science! #AlMaarefa is proud of its pioneering role in supporting its female faculty & students to excel in scientific forums; to enable them to actively contribute to the ambitious #SaudiVision2030.

Table Tennis Event
Organizes the committee of the Faculty of Medicine
Table 🎾😍 Tennis Event
For male and female students at Knowledge University
📍In Vision Faculties

Women Empowerment
Ministry Of Education and Women Empowerment
The Ministry of Education strives to achieve its goals by empowering and involving women to make their significant contribution to the national development in realization of the Kingdom Vision 2030. In pursuit of this goal, every possible effort has been exerted by the Ministry to provide women with free, quality education, and leadership training, which should ultimately make a significant impact on their skills and readiness to become an influential contributor to the country’s future development.
The Ministry has increased women’s participation in all educational sectors to unleash their potential to fill high office posts and senior positions to serve as the Minister’s deputies and fill executive positions such as director generals.
The Ministry ranks first in the Kingdom in terms of women empowerment, due to the number of women who have occupied the Deputy-Minister’s high post. Among the examples is the appointment of female officials to serve as the Deputy-Minister for Public and Private Education, the Deputy-Minister for Private Undergraduate Education, the Deputy-Minister for Educational Programs, and the Deputy-Minister for Scholarships.
Out of confidence in female cadres’ competencies and capacities, the Ministry groomed female executives and officials to actively deal with the public on a national scale. Today, a Saudi female also serves now as the first-ever Ministry of Education Spokesperson. Several female professionals have been taken further to serve as representatives for the Ministry and the State as they serve as cultural attachés in several countries, the last of whom is the most recent appointee to serve as the Saudi Cultural Attaché to the United Kingdom, who is now a Saudi female.
In this regard, the Ministry of Education proposed several programs to improve women’s working circumstances and conditions in education. To achieve that, the Ministry launched the Initiative on Improving Female Teachers Occupational Practices, which was announced in early 2019 within the National Program’s Framework for the Development of Education. Besides, the Ministry launched a series of national lectures, symposia, and workshops crafted particularly for women, including a program on the “Prevention of Professional Isolation”.
Saudi Arabian Ministry of Education will continue its quest to improve the regulations, procedures, and nomination mechanisms to make sure equal opportunity is guaranteed and provided to both, males and females.

Acceptance for Students of other Nationality:
Sudanese National Council for Medical Specialties exams
Today, the Sudanese National Council for Medical Specialties is holding its exams at Al-Maarefa University / Diriyah Conference and Business Center.

Acceptance for Students of Special Needs
Down Syndrome International Day
The student committee held an event at the Down Syndrome Association (DSCA) by visiting them at the association’s headquarters and painting one of the classrooms with the participation of children in the association and bringing breakfast meals and gifts to them on the occasion of #اليوم_العالمي_لمتلازمة_داون

Enabling Access For People With Mobility Disabilities
The e-Portal provides the service of selecting/highlighting the active links by passing the mouse cursor on them and selecting them using the (Tab) key existing in your keyboard. Links will appear in a background color indicating their selection for helping individuals with kinesthetic disabilities or motor impairments who sustain tuned control difficulties. This service enables the e-Portal user to ensure they choose the appropriate link.
The e-Portal provides the service of highlighting the active links by passing the mouse cursor on them and selecting them using the Tab key on your keyboard. Links will appear in a background color indicating their selection. This service will help individuals with kinesthetic disabilities or motor impairments who sustain difficulties of tuned control. This service enables the e-Portal user to ensure they choose the appropriate link.
The keyboard may be used without using the mouse. The following keys may be used instead of the mouse.
• Tab: navigating the links and illustrating the currently active link by changing its color.
• Enter: selecting the appropriate link.
• Space: scrolling down to the bottom of the page
• Backspace: returning to the previous page
• Arrows Keys: scrolling up and down within the page
Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education for Educational Programs: Developing curricula and study plans for special education in line with the characteristics of students with disabilities

The Ministry of Education has presented study plans and developed educational programs for students with disabilities in preparation for the new academic year, as they were aligned with the new study plans for general education, in order to achieve for students with disabilities a quality, equitable and inclusive education, enhance lifelong learning opportunities, meet their educational needs, and improve their learning outcomes. To achieve the goals of Vision 2030.
The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Education for Educational Programs, Dr. Maha Al-Sulaiman, said: “The Ministry has completed work on developing study plans for special education in line with the characteristics of students with disabilities, by adding new subjects (English language – digital skills – social studies – physical education – self-defense). Including sign language in the family education curriculum and life skills for all educational levels in general education, and classes, in addition to activity and vocational training classes, as well as adding my school’s Quran activity to the study plans for special education in line with the characteristics of students with disabilities.Emphasizing that the development and change witnessed by special education and its programs will contribute to increasing learning opportunities and improving its outcomes for students with disabilities, investing the hours of the school day, and achieving positive outcomes in their education in terms of increasing learning opportunities and improving students’ performance in various academic subjects, as well as increasing Opportunities for them to acquire professional skills, in line with the requirements of the current era, to qualify them for the labor market and to make them productive members of society.
The Undersecretary for Educational Programs added that the study plan for the next academic year included updating plans, programs and operational models for returning to schools, in line with the characteristics and characteristics of students with disabilities in schools, centers and institutes of special education, and students of integration in public schools, noting that the beginning of the academic year coincides with Starting to determine the eligibility and appropriate educational environments for students of special education through the processes of diagnosis, evaluation and observation, providing awareness programs for families and parents, and ensuring that students with disabilities meet all their material and moral requirements, for a successful start of a new academic year.
Dr. Maha Al-Sulaiman pointed out that the specialized teams and committees in the Ministry of Education continue to follow up the launch of the new academic year 1443 AH with the educational administrations; To facilitate a successful launch for students of special education, by starting work to finish the various school equipment and buildings for all institutes, centers and programs and transferring books and educational courses to their offices and schools.
KSA Statistical Report
page 37-46
KSA Education Policies
pages 3-4-5