4.3.1 Does your university as a body provide access to educational resources for those not studying at the university? –e.g computers, library, online courses, access to lectures?
Al Maarefa University actively provides access to educational resources for individuals not studying at the institution. Through various outreach programs, the university hosts public workshops, seminars, and campaigns on critical topics such as health awareness, financial literacy, and career development. For instance, Al Maarefa has shared content on social media platforms and offered virtual learning opportunities that cater to the broader community. These initiatives reflect the university’s mission to foster lifelong learning and contribute to the societal knowledge pool, particularly in areas that align with health and education improvement.
· Public Health Awareness Campaigns: Al Maarefa regularly conducts health-related initiatives open to the public, such as blood donation drives and health awareness events shared via its official accounts.
· Open Events: The University organizes public seminars and workshops, particularly in medical and health sciences, accessible to non-students.
· Digital Outreach: The University utilizes its social media presence to share educational videos, resources, and updates for community enrichment.
· Access to educational resources for individuals not studying at the institution.
Some of those educational resources can be found below in this report such as:
o University’s Library and digital library
o E-learning Management system
o Free online courses
These actions demonstrate Al Maarefa University’s commitment to extending educational benefits beyond its enrolled student body, enhancing community engagement.
Library and digital library
The UM library offer the need textbooks and the additional references print/online for the offered academic programs in accordance with the courses specifications that aims at providing the students with the needs knowledge/skills to attains the program/courses outcomes. The library contains thousands of paper/electronic books, journals, periodicals, etc. in the library shelves and/or via the Saudi digital library SDL.
UM Library
the library/digital library are reviewed and updated annually with new books and references that meet the academic program needs
Saudi Digital Library
the library/digital library are reviewed and updated annually with new books and references that meet the academic program needs
These guidelines are intended to establish a general rule that directs library user behavior within the library in such a way that visitors and other library users can make effective and smooth utilization of the library’s resources, services, and facilities.
All the users of the Library shall adhere to the following rules:
· Members are expected to maintain silence and not indulge into any act which may disturb the reading or study of other users or interfere with the proper functioning of the Library.
· Readers should not mark, deface, mutilate, underline, dog-ear mark, write, tear pages, spoil or damage the library documents/materials. If anyone is found doing so, he/she will be charged with the full replacement cost of damaged material and may lead to suspension of library membership.
· No Library material can be taken out from the library without prior permission and issuance.
· Use of robots, spiders or intelligent agents to access, search or systematic downloading from these resources is also prohibited.
· All the members of the Library shall abide by the rules and regulations issued by the Librarian from time to time.
· Respecting the other users and the reading environment in the library, sleeping is not permitted on the premises of the library.
· Users shall comply with the instructions to vacate the library immediately after the call to prayer.
· To comply with the library closing times
· It is not permitted to eat or drink in the library, however, only water is permitted.
· Users shall comply to wear uniforms as per the policy of the university.
· Not to do any inappropriate saying or action that would harm the reputation of the university or any of its faculty or staff members.
· Treat all library employees and visitors with politeness and respect to serve you better.
· Taking care of the books and references inside the library and using them in the correct way without any appending damage to it, whether by destroying some pages or writing on them
· Avoid writing, drawing, and placing signs or lines on books, office equipment, equipment, furniture and on the wall, etc
· It is not permitted to hold student meetings or discussion groups on the library premises.
· The computer devices in the library are designed for student services, and they are not permitted to be used for accessing electronic games, non-educational websites or watching non-educational videos, etc.
· The use of external storage is not allowed.
· Users shall shut down the computer after using it.
· Maintaining and taking care of the integrity of the equipment and items/materials in the library.
· Users shall carry the university Identity Card and present it whenever is asked by the library staff.
· Users shall comply with the deadlines for returning issued books.
· Users shall comply with the regulations, rules, instructions, respect the rights of others who are library visitors and adhere to responsibilities and behaviors in the library.
· Users shall abide by the rules and regulations set for the fair use of the library, its facilities, and holdings, and shall not use any of its facilities illegally.
· The library staff will provide sufficient information to benefit from the library. Do not hesitate to ask for help and advice.
· The Library welcomes any suggestions or comments from the users.
· The Library is primarily meant for the use of academic fraternity comprising of faculty, researchers, students, and non-teaching employees of the University.
· However, visitors of other universities/organizations are also allowed to consult the library on written requests or recommendations from their respective institutions for a limited period.
· Faculty, students, and staff can enroll for library membership by producing their ID issued by the University.
Library Services
The Library and Learning Resources Centre deliver a high quality, innovative,and excellent information service to the University community that meets their information requirements.
Major Services
Major Services are as Follows
· Lending Service
· Reference Service,
· Referral Service,
· Online reservation of books,
· Bibliometric and Bibliographic Services,
· Current Awareness Service (CAS),
· Photocopying / Printing / Scanning services,
· Orientation and Information Literacy Sessions,
· Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI),
· Digital Library Services,
· Audio Visual and Multimedia Service.
· The Library provides web OPAC, borrowing services, digital library services, and specialized global databases of e-journals, e-books, and other electronic resources.
· The library acquires and provides services by acquiring textbooks, references books, periodicals, scientific databases, and other information resources including e-resources and online databases which fulfill the information needs of the university community.
· The acquired resources are scientifically classified, cataloged, indexed, and shelved to facilitate easy access by all the users of the library.
· The students, faculty members, staff, and researchers have access to a variety of reference and research services at the University Library.
· Apart from the provision of various types of traditional services, the university library provides digital library services by subscribing to a number of online global databases in accordance with the requirements of various departments and colleges as per the courses and curricula of various programs.
· The Library will provide user manuals/information guides for utilizing various types of services from time to time.
E-learning management system
Access to the e-learning management system
Moodle is a learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalized learning environments.

Moodle is a learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators and learners with a single robust, secure and integrated system to create personalized learning environments.
Moodle designed to create an interactive learning environment, manage the course content and evaluate the outcomes. It is an open source program used in most of the 532 countries; with total number of courses exceed 7 million and a half course.
Moodle in AlMaarefa Colleges
· Each student has a Moodle account that will be created at the beginning of each semester.
· Students must have an academic email in order to use Moodle Students are enrolled in their courses in Moodle based on their academic schedule.
· Each course has a unified page among all sections.
· The contents of the course are added by the instructor responsible for content management and it will be displayed to all students at the same time.
· The student can only review his/her grades (the grades of the other students will not be shown).
· Assignments and quizzes can be added on the course page and it is required that each student to follow-up updates on the course page and deliver assignments on time.
· Each student has a personal page in the system that shows his courses.
· Instructors can post news on the course page, it is essential to follow the course page for the updates.
Moodle offers a large variety of activities that are designed to help your learning. When your instructors create activities they will name them. This means that they will not appear as simply Assignment or Wiki etc. on the course page, but will display with a meaningful title as set by your instructor.
Moodle provides several ways to track and collect work from students. You can submit files or type into a text box.
Quizzes in Moodle are used to evaluate student understanding of material. Moodle quizzes are comprised of a Quiz activity that contains one or more questions from your course’s Question bank.
Discussion forum
Instructors and students can communicate and collaborate using Forums, sometimes called “discussions.” Instructors can create topics or, depending on the Forum type, allow students to originate topics, to which course members can “post” a reply.
For creating and conducting surveys to collect feedback
Wiki is a web page (or set of web pages) that class members can create together, working directly in the browser without needing to know HTML. A Moodle Wiki starts with one front page.
Pharmacy Free Sources
Do you need a source that contains all the books you need in pharmacy?
In addition to videos, flash cards and more!
Lecture d. Today, Areej will reveal to us a source that collects all of this. Be with us 🤩

Free Useful Resource for Pharmacists
The College of Pharmacy Club offers you every Tuesday #مفتاح_صيدلي 🗝
Every Tuesday, we will present to you a useful resource for pharmacists, whether it is a book, a YouTube channel, or something else
Follow us! 😍😍

Starting from today:
كتاب antibiotics simplified
You can free download it from here:

🗝 today
Important for all pharmacists!
We have to master the basics!
If you know someone who works or is interested in working in community pharmacies, this book is necessary for him/her 📖
located in the drive link ✨

How To Pass Any Job Interview + CV Creation
Out of our concern and response to our graduate students
We invite you to attend a course entitled
How To Pass Any Job Interview + CV Creation
In cooperation with the Training Department of Al-Hayat Medical Company and Riyadh Pharma, delivered by His Excellency Engineer Hamza Al-Khalili, Director of the Training Department of the company and the assistant team, thank you ✨
Course date:
On Thursday, April 14, 2022 AD
From 10 pm until 12 am
via the webex platform

The dialogue meeting is now being held to choose the health and technical university specialization (computer majors)
The dialogue meeting is now being held to choose the health and technical university specialization (computer majors)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 812 3334 1494
Passcode: 211626

Scientific Research Day

Under the auspices of His Excellency the President of #جامعة_المعرفة , we are pleased to invite you to attend the scientific research day held on the university campus.
The World Conference on Sustainable Development
As one of the active partners in the World Conference on Sustainable Development, which is being held for the first time in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the entire Middle East, #جامعة_المعرفة invites those interested in sustainable development to quickly register to benefit from global experiences and their applications.

Essential of Airways Management Course
With the support and sponsorship of #جامعة_المعرفة , the Department of Anaesthesiology invites professionals and those interested to register for a program
Essential of Airways Management Course
Seats are limited and registration is on a first-come, first-served basis.

“Together prevention of antimicrobial resistance”
#جامعة_المعرفة is organizing, in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, an event: “Together prevention of antimicrobial resistance”, on the occasion of #الأسبوع_العالمي_لمضادات_الميكروبات , 2022

Essential of Airway Management
تمت بعون الله الدورة الأولى المنظمة من قبل نادي العلوم التطبيقيه بعنوان Essential of Airway Management نشكر كل من ساهم بنجاحها

The conclusion of the scientific research day at Al-Maarefa University
Many thanks to the university administration for the unlimited support for scientific research. Thanks to all participants, including students, faculty members, arbitrators, organizers, guests and visitors.
You made us happy, may Allah make you happy.

Biochemistry in our Lives
Stay tuned for us in the university lobby tomorrow to learn more about the role of biochemistry in our lives

Preparation for the SPLE License Exam
#يحدث_الآن The College of Pharmacy at Al-Maarefa University organizes a course on “Preparation for the SPLE License Exam” in cooperation with King Saud University ✨

How to Study Efficiently and Effectively”
The College of Pharmacy at AlMaarefa University is organizing a lecture entitled: “How to Study Efficiently and Effectively”
To attend:

Academic Writing
For those interested in academic writing lecture
The best at Al-Maarefah University have opened registration for all 🌹
Thursday ☀️
We have opened registration for everyone for Dr. Saja Al-Mazrou’s lecture entitled (Academic Writing)
to sign up :

Presentation skills
Presentation skills are critical to success in nearly every occupation Learn how to present your presentations that will hold people’s attention present your ideas with confidence and engage an audience by presenting well-organized material in an understandable format,stay tuned.

Student Council YouTube channel
My colleagues #الاطباء You can access the clips of clinical explanations for ORTH-536 in addition to MED-435 via the Student Council YouTube channel link https://youtube.com/channel/UCONmWJVrXuSbkaAmC8uymOQ

Mental Health in the Work Environment
#يحدث_الآن Lecture “Mental Health in the Work Environment” given by Dr. Khaldoun Marwa to employees of the Saudi Telecom Company (STC).

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 826 0042 7968
Passcode: 084601

✨ Presented by:
Dr.Yousef Aldubaikhi
Dr.Mohammad Alboukai
Dr. Sohaib Ashour
🗓TOMORROW, 12/02/2023
⏰6:00 pm
Research Week
In cooperation with a group of doctors and researchers in various fields and destinations, the Faculty of Medicine Committee in #جامعة_المعرفة #اسبوع_الابحاث #Research_week organizes
To enrich students from inside and outside the university 🤩📑
🗓 starting from 04/12/2022 to 10/12/2022
📍 Zoom
🔺 Attendance is free and without prior registration

Interventional Radiology
The College of Medicine Student Committee evaluates
on Saturday | October 15, 2022
4 p.m
Lecture entitled: Interventional radiology
– Provided by Dr. Yahya Al-Asiri (consultant in interventional radiology and catheterization) 🩺
– 📍 ”ZOOM”
رابط المحاضره:
Meeting ID: 458 462 7598
Passcode: 812120
Quote Tweet
لجنة طلاب كلية الطب🩺
Oct 13, 2022

Free Basic Life Support (BLS) course
#جامعة_المعرفة provides a free Basic Life Support (BLS) course for visitors to the university booth No. SB04 in #المؤتمر_والمعرض_الدولي_للتعليم

Research skills in electronic knowledge sources
The Faculty of Medicine Student Committee will evaluate, God willing
Monday corresponding to 04/10/2021 At 7 p.m
In the vision colleges headquarters
Workshop entitled:
Research skills in electronic knowledge sources 🔎
– Presented by Dr. Mahmoud Abdullah Faroo 🩺
🔴 Registration link (seats are limited):

How to Anki
(Anki is the best resource for assisting you in achieving success in medical school)
🔹Presented by : Dr Kamal Kamal
🗓TOMORROW, 8 March 2023, 4:00PM

The Faculty of Medicine Student Committee will evaluate, God willing
on Friday | March 11, 2022
9 p.m
Renal Failure Types and Management
Lecture entitled:
Renal Failure Types and Management
– Provided by Dr. Ibrahim Sandaqji 🩺
– 📍 ”ZOOM” (the link will be announced on the day of the lecture)
🔴 There are certificates for attendance