3.3.6 Does your university as a body have a ‘smoke-free’ policy?
Smoking Regulation at AlMaarefa University
Based on the keenness of Al-Maarefa University to protect the rights of others from the harm of passive smoking to health, and to help smokers try to leave it and provide a smoke-free environment, and reduce the number of patients and deaths from diseases caused by smoking, and in order to achieve the goal of Al-Maarefa University (a university without smoking), which created a need to prepare a regulation to combat smoking at Al-Maarefa University.
Objective of the regulation
1- Implementing orders and instructions issued on smoking control
2- Activating the provisions of the WHO Convention against Smoking
3- Educating university employees and visitors about the harms resulting from smoking, protecting them from abuse and encouraging anti-smoking behavior patterns.
4- Protecting university employees and visitors from the dangers of passive smoking, preserving the rights of non-smokers at work, and education in a healthy environment free of smoking
5- Providing the necessary medical assistance to smokers wishing to quit smoking.
6- Reducing economic, health, social and environmental losses and damages caused by smoking
Smoking is prohibited in the following places:
1- Within the boundaries of the university’s closed and generally open facilities
2- Administrative offices, teaching halls, warehouses, elevators and toilets at the university
3- Celebration halls, meetings, exhibition halls, training, laboratories and laboratories
4- Internal and external entrance gates for buildings and parking lots
5- Public and private university transportation owned by the university
6- Facilities and gymnasiums of the university
7- Places of manufacture and processing of food, food and beverages
8- Common public spaces and means, places of recreation, elevators, roofs, parking and the like
9- Workplaces allocated at the university for companies, contracting institutions and the like
10. Within a distance of (8) meters from all places that are prepared for entry, meeting, sitting or the passage of people in the places referred to in the preceding paragraphs.
Article IV
1- It is forbidden to sell toys and sweets on cigarettes or any smoking tool at all commercial points in the university or its facilities.
2- It is forbidden to sell tobacco and its derivatives at all commercial points at the university and affiliated to it
3- It is forbidden to put posters containing pictures that encourage smoking
4- It is forbidden to carry out any student activity that contains things that encourage smoking
5- Smoking is prohibited when practicing any activity or work representing the university, whether inside or outside the university corridors in order to preserve the university’s reputation
Article V
The responsibility of informing the university employees of the anti-smoking regulations and directing them to refrain from smoking in the places referred to in Article II lies with their administrative authorities.
Article VI
The University Security Department undertakes the task of administrative control of violators of the regulation in all university facilities by setting the necessary rules and procedures to document, prove and refer the violation in accordance with Article Eight, prepare an electronic stacking program and design forms dedicated to the same purpose.
Article VII
1- The Deanship of Student Affairs, in cooperation with the colleges, provides annual awareness programs for university employees in the field of combating smoking and encouraging anti-smoking behavior patterns.
2- The University Security Department shall place signs and phrases indicating the prohibition of smoking in the places referred to in Article 2.
Article VIII
The University Security Department shall refer the violations after adjusting it according to the following:
1- Referring the violations of faculty members and students to the Vice Presidency for Educational Affairs
2- Referring employee violations to the General Directorate for follow-up
Article IX
1- Committing the violation for the first time: – Directing the attention of the violator in writing and recording the violation in his file
2- Repeating the violation for the second time: – Issuing a written warning to the violator and recording the violation in his file
3- Repeating the violation for the third time: – The violator is referred to the competent disciplinary committee and regular procedures and penalties are taken against him
4- In the event that the violator is not one of the university employees: – He is notified and notified of the prohibition of smoking in all university facilities, and in the event of non-response , he is required to leave the university
Article X
Those who have been subject to one of the penalties stipulated in these regulations have the right to appeal to the relevant authority in accordance with the details contained in Article VIII, within a period of 60 (days from the date of issuance of the penalty, provided that it stipulates the right to appeal against the decision.
Article XI
These regulations shall enter into force from the date of their approval by the University Council.
Article XII
The regulation shall be subject to evaluation, review and amendment whenever the need arises.
Article XIII
This regulation is published in the university newspaper and its electronic service, and a special bulletin for this regulation is issued to the university employees
Grievance and Conduct
Pdf file found in the evidence folder

Article Nine
Any violation against the rules and regulations as well public morals and legitimacy rules, either inside the colleges’ premises or outside, or during the activities and outdoors occasions which may likely cause physical harms to others, or damage the properties of the colleges, are strictly prohibited and is considered offences which shall be penalized.
Such as:
1. Any action against the colleges’ by-laws.
2. Failure to attend classes whether theoretical or practical, and carrying out academic tasks and programs, or encourage others not to attend.
3. Any action or verbal action that insults religion, or dishonored dignity or behavior, or any violation that deformed the colleges’ reputation.
4. Creating chaos in the campus, or in the colleges’ premises.
5. Use of or attempt to use fraud, cheating, deception or dishonesty in the exams, or obtaining illegally a copy of the exam questions, or fabricating reports , researches and thesis.
6. Falsification of identification in the exam hall, whether the exam is held in the premises or outside.
7. Any violation of the exams rules such as disruption or interference, or intentionally creating chaos.
8. Forming unions and organizations, or creating activities or issuing leaflets, or pamphlets, or collecting sum of money or signatures without the prior permission.
9. Any activity that causes substantial destruction of property belonging to the colleges. Or engaging in activities that de-clean the premises.
10. Intentional or un intentional damage or destruction of the property, such as mobilizing the property without permission.
11. Misuse of modern technology in a way that causes harm to the colleges, or deform the reputation.
12. Unlawful possession of devices, photos, films, newspapers or magazines whose contents are anti-ethical, and Islamic principles, contents which are not comply with the Islamic standard of life.
13. Falsification, fabrication or deformation of the colleges’ related documents by action such as forgery, irrespective of the documents were issued from the colleges or outside, since these documents are related to the colleges’ student, or related to the study procedures.
14. Smoking is strictly prohibited in the colleges’ premises.
15. Dealing vulgarly with the colleges’ employees that may include students, administrators,
faculty staff, workers, or visitors. Vulgarity may be expressed verbally or physically.
16. Possession of dangerous weapons which can be used in a manner that causes harm or threatens to others in the premises, even though they are licensed or authorized.
17. Inconformity of the colleges’ uniforms is strictly prohibited.
18. Failure to comply in terms of uniforms, or Islamic dress for females. Violation of the code of standard and social standard guideline, and the highest standard of faithfulness, and good conduct.
19. Identity theft is a violation, when student attends an exam on behalf of another, or an un authorized person represents the colleges.
20. Viewing secured documentation of the colleges, publishing or directing others to illegally obtaining them.
21. For female students quitting the colleges or premises without prior permission, is prohibited. Leaving the colleges shall be in accordance to the colleges’ rules.
22. Refrain from submitting identifiable certificates when demanded by the colleges.
23. Behaving vulgarly during the investigation procedures, and speaking with disrespect to the main committee’s members.
24. Any violation that the colleges may view it as against by-laws which has not been specifically mentioned in the by-laws.
The Charity Society (Tayeb) thanks the university
His Excellency the President of the University, Prof. Dr. Walid Hussein Abu Al-Faraj, received a letter of thanks and appreciation from the Anti-Smoking Charitable Society in Madinah “Tayeb” for the Dean of the College of Pharmacy at Al-Maarefa University, and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Naqaa Association, to provide (6) workshops for the employees of the Association in Madinah.
The association praised the quality of the workshops and the interaction it received from the participants, as the workshops were held on Wednesday and Thursday, 10 and 11 of March.
This initiative from the university is an extension of the services it provides to the community and civil society institutions, believing in its awareness mission and community participation.
Minister of Health
His Excellency the Minister of Health:
Smoking reduces the life expectancy of Saudis by an average of 1.6 years, which is inconsistent with #رؤية_السعودية_2030 that aims to raise the average life expectancy of citizens.
He notes that it is possible to book an appointment in smoking cessation clinics by calling the 937 center or through the Sehaty application for those wishing.
Smoking and Corona
During the Corona pandemic, the big questions and questions increase. We meet with you today under the umbrella of the College of Pharmacy and with Dr.
in his lecture entitled: Smoking and Corona.

Quality of life and its relationship to smoking
Our guest on #ق3on the message channel
@alresalahneta. Muhammad bin Jaber Al-Yamani
Vice Chairman (Naqaa)
Dean of the College of Pharmacy – Al-Maarefa University
Topic: Quality of life and its relationship to smoking
For your posts on the hashtag
#بلا_تدخين in #ق3

The Anti-Smoking Association
The Anti-Smoking Association in the city hosted Dr. Muhammad bin Jaber Al-Yamani, “Dean of the College of Pharmacy – #جامعة_المعرفة – Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors #نقاء “During the period 26 – 7/27/1442

In which the guest of the association, Dr. Muhammad bin Jaber Al-Yamani, “Dean of the College of Pharmacy – #جامعة_المعرفة – Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors #نقاء ” delivered 6 training workshops for the employees of the association